Monday, February 11, 2008

Superseries 2003: Best rallies

Willstrop versus Anjema

Finals of European Team Championship (ETC 2007): England (James Willstrop) v/s Netherlands (LA Anjema). Willstrop won in 95 minutes.

Learn some tricky shots!

Forehand cross-court nick from Lee Beachhill.

Trickle(tickle?) boast from Anthony Ricketts.

Squash in Olympics?

Well, WSF did make effots to include squash in olympics, but weren't convincing enough! Here is a promo video they made. By the way, I like the new description: "Jet Propelled Chess"!

Are you a couch potato?

Then squash is for you :)

Tips from Shahier Razik

Shahier Razik from Canada (former World Number 21), another Mike Way's student besides Power and Ryding, gives some basic tips for squash beginners. Thanks Razik!




